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Advertising Agencies – Do Small Businesses Need Them?

I recently had a discussion with an SEO client about their offline marketing efforts and the inbound leads it was generating. They were doing some print in local papers, had a 30-second radio spot running in their local market, and were active with mail campaigns. The offline marketing that the advertising agency is doing is attached to a different phone number than the one we are using for online marketing. When we brought them on as a client we agreed that we would attach a trackable number to the web properties we were building and optimizing so that we could truly track how effective our efforts were. The conversation was cut and dry, the number attached to the online marketing efforts far exceeded that of the offline marketing. I was not surprised, online marketing is so much more targeted and trackable. The question then came up, “do I even need an advertising agency“? I think that’s a great question and one that will have valid points on both sides of the aisle. I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer, I think every business is different and every budget is different therefore it differs from business to business.

Who Benefits From Offline Marketing?

Before proceeding, understand that this is my opinion based on my experience servicing thousands of different clients over the years. Offline marketing is extremely effective and should be considered by every business at all phases of growth. advertising agencies for google seoFor this example, though I’m going to about startups and small businesses in the local market. Many times budgets are thin for these businesses and growth isn’t as rapid as those companies with large startup capital. So where is the budget best spent? In my opinion, digital marketing is hands down the most effective way to promote your products and services on a budget. Offline marketing is more of a shotgun blast for driving awareness. Let us take billboard advertising, for example, there are thousands of cars traveling the freeway everyday driving by these giant billboards and none of those drivers are in need of those services at that moment in time. What it does do is leave an impression, drive brand awareness, and get people thinking about the product or service. The difference with online marketing is that (the information highway) consists of hyper-targeted traffic. That same volume of traffic that passes by those billboards online is actually looking for the products and services you offer. With optimized web properties, you can get your products and services in front of the internet traffic that is actually looking for you. So how does that happen?

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the process of optimizing your web properties for search. This is a long process of creating content and building branded social profiles that engage and convert audiences into paying clients. Any URL can be optimized, this means you can optimize websites, social properties, videos, images, PDF files, and anything else that has a URL. You can learn detailed information about Search Engine Optimization here.

Facebook Marketing

There are other ways that you can send referral traffic to your site and one of the most affordable and effective ways to increase visitors to your site is to buy into a Facebook ad campaign. Facebook offers a cost-effective way of getting your business in front of a very targeted audience. You can specify your target market based on user interest, likes, and social activity. This makes it very easy to identify who you want your ads in front of. Facebook isn’t the only one that offers paid advertising through social media feeds, but they have one of the largest audiences and that is worth spending.

Video Production – Youtube

advertising agencies for youtubeYoutube is the second largest search engine in the world behind Google. More and more people are turning to Youtube to find answers and learn new trades. Especially in this digital where so many people are making money online with websites and services, there are thousands of instructional videos on Youtube that will walk you through graphic design, video editing, content writing, web design, SEO, affiliate marketing and everything else under the sun. Promoting your products and services with video on Youtube can give you an opportunity to get in front of a very targeted audience. You can also buy display advertising on Youtube.

Online Marketing Vs Offline Marketing

To conclude with a solid answer to the question that was asked of me, “do I even need an advertising agency?” Yes, you do. I don’t believe any business owner has the time to learn the ins and outs of marketing and apply the strategies effectively. It comes down to budget and if you have one or not. Anyone with a budget for an ad agency will benefit from what they bring to the table. Both online and offline marketing has its place and everyone can benefit from both. But if you are a small business and funds are tight, this is what I have to say. Learn some basic online marketing strategies, set up a few social profiles, and get some content out there. Getting content out to the internet is never a bad idea, and learning a little bit about the digital world before you hire a digital marketer will only benefit you. Starting with online marketing before offline marketing would make more sense for a small business with a small budget. The opportunity to generate leads online is abundant and there are a thousand places online to promote your products and services. This is clearly the place where smaller businesses can gain a competitive advantage over larger competitors in their market.

Gilbert Fuentes
Gilbert Fuentes
I am thrilled with the results from Sdarr Studios! Jordan and his team were incredibly helpful, transparent, and made the entire digital marketing process easy to understand. In just 90 days, they helped rank my business, and the results have been phenomenal. The level of support and clarity they provide at each step is unmatched. If you're looking for a digital marketing agency that delivers on its promises and guides you seamlessly through the process, Sdarr Studios is the way to go! Highly recommend!
Graham Ashe
Graham Ashe
Our business needed more visibility in the Scottsdale market, and after dealing with a few underperforming SEO agencies, I came across SDARR Studios. Jordan and his team got us more traffic in the first six months than we had in the previous 18 months. Highly recommended!!
Jaime Weatherby
Jaime Weatherby
SDARR Studios are amazing when it comes to SEO, we working with them for all of our client needs. They generate great results but are also patient and great partners when it comes to explaining what's happening with our client's SEO so everyone feels comfortable and supported.
Mark Veleski
Mark Veleski
Working with SDARR Studios, we found they excelled in delivering outstanding results with professionalism and creativity at its core. Cheers guys!
Joshua Fletcher
Joshua Fletcher
I’ve been looking all over for a company and preferably actually a person who can articulate search engine strategy and what they can do for my business here in Phoenix. Totally worth the short drive over from central Phoenix. Jordan really knows his stuff (he is who I met with). He had a look at the website and asked the questions I haven’t gotten elsewhere. Feels like I have a good grasp of what he does and how he approaches these projects. It’s totally worth the time I spent with him getting a better idea of what to do with my digital marketing and online strategy and how all the different stuff fits together.
Burton Johnson
Burton Johnson
This team is awesome! Have delivered on multiple projects over the years.
Matt Cernik
Matt Cernik
I've worked on several projects with SDARR Studios over the last 8 years and have had nothing but excellent results. Their attention to detail is fantastic, their customer service and communication is unmatched, and most importantly they have always delivered what they said they can deliver: long-term business growth. If you're on the fence about working with Jordan and the rest of team at SDARR Studios, stop wasting your time and just do it!
Patrick Hotchkiss
Patrick Hotchkiss
SDARR helped my SEO efforts for my Scottsdale based company. Thanks guys!
Rachel DuPaul
Rachel DuPaul
Jordan and his team are incredibly timely, communicative, and helpful in their goal of increasing your business' online visibility. I have greatly enjoyed working with them for the past year!
Debra Ferguson
Debra Ferguson
I worked with at least half a dozen SEO companies in Scottsdale before I was introduced to Jordan about 5 years ago. Anyone in the industry knows there are lots of shady characters on the SEO side of marketing. I was SO RELIEVED when I began working with SDARR. They earned my trust, loyalty, and referrals immediately. The quality of service they provide is unparalleled. The company is comprised of people that are not only great to work with but passionate about what they do. Jordan has always gone above and beyond for me and I'm grateful 🙏🏻. Highly recommend!


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