Google Search Console Crawl Reports Let You Monitor

Google Search Console Crawl Reports Let You Monitor

Google is renowned for its expertise, but even they had their “oops” moment with Google Glass. Hey, we all make mistakes! Nevertheless, when it comes to optimizing your website’s performance and visibility, Google is your ultimate BFF. With the Google Search Console, you can play detective and monitor your website’s crawl reports like a pro.

But what are these crawl reports that a Scottsdale marketing agency will often talk about? Think of them as your website’s report card, complete with grades and all. Instead of your parents nagging you about scores, Google kindly points out any necessary fixes. Unlike your parents, Google won’t ground you or take away your phone. Instead, they provide valuable insights to boost your website’s performance and search rankings.

Google Search Console crawl reports let you monitor everything from indexing issues to broken links, duplicate content, and HTML errors. It’s like having a personal website doctor who diagnoses and fixes problems before they become major headaches.

And here’s the cherry on top: accessing these Google Search Console crawl reports won’t cost you a dime. All you need is a Google account and to verify your website on the Search Console.

Tips for Navigating Crawl Reports Like a Pro

So, Google Search Console crawl reports let you monitor what you need to know. Before you embark on the addictive practice of obsessively checking your crawl reports every day (we understand the temptation), here are a few things to bear in mind:

  1. Indexing issues: If Google is struggling to index your pages, they might play hide and seek in search results. This could be due to technical glitches or errors in your website’s code. Time to put on your detective hat and solve the mystery.
  2. Broken links: These pesky links lead to dead ends or error messages. Not only do they annoy users, but they also hurt your website’s SEO. Time to break up with those broken links.
  3. Duplicate content: If Google identifies duplicate content on your website, it may impact your search rankings. This can occur when you have multiple pages with identical content or when you’re imitating others. Strive to be unique and stand out from the crowd.
  4. HTML errors: These coding blunders can mess up how your website looks and functions. Common HTML hiccups include missing tags, wonky images, and improper use of meta tags. Time to clean up that code.

Tackling Issues Found in Crawl Reports Like a Superhero

So, you’ve identified some issues in your crawl reports. Take a moment to breathe deeply. It’s important to remember that these challenges can often be resolved with some technical expertise. Here are some excellent tips to tackle common crawl report issues like a champ:

  1. Indexing issues: Check that sneaky robots.txt file to make sure it’s not blocking any important pages. Also, make sure your website’s sitemap is up-to-date and cozy with Google.
  2. Broken links: Use a nifty broken link checker tool to hunt down and fix those pesky broken links. If the broken link leads to an external page, go ahead and slide into the website owner’s DMs (aka email) to request an update, or just remove/change the link.
  3. Duplicate content: If you catch any copycats on your website, show them the exit door or use canonical tags to give credit where credit is due. If the duplicate content comes from another website, reach out to the owner and ask them to kindly hit the delete button.
  4. HTML errors: Call in the code validator squad to identify and fix any HTML errors on your website. Make sure all tags are playing nice and that images are strutting their stuff.

What do Google Search Console crawl reports let you monitor? You now know the answer!

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Gilbert Fuentes
Gilbert Fuentes
I am thrilled with the results from Sdarr Studios! Jordan and his team were incredibly helpful, transparent, and made the entire digital marketing process easy to understand. In just 90 days, they helped rank my business, and the results have been phenomenal. The level of support and clarity they provide at each step is unmatched. If you're looking for a digital marketing agency that delivers on its promises and guides you seamlessly through the process, Sdarr Studios is the way to go! Highly recommend!
Graham Ashe
Graham Ashe
Our business needed more visibility in the Scottsdale market, and after dealing with a few underperforming SEO agencies, I came across SDARR Studios. Jordan and his team got us more traffic in the first six months than we had in the previous 18 months. Highly recommended!!
Jaime Weatherby
Jaime Weatherby
SDARR Studios are amazing when it comes to SEO, we working with them for all of our client needs. They generate great results but are also patient and great partners when it comes to explaining what's happening with our client's SEO so everyone feels comfortable and supported.
Mark Veleski
Mark Veleski
Working with SDARR Studios, we found they excelled in delivering outstanding results with professionalism and creativity at its core. Cheers guys!
Joshua Fletcher
Joshua Fletcher
I’ve been looking all over for a company and preferably actually a person who can articulate search engine strategy and what they can do for my business here in Phoenix. Totally worth the short drive over from central Phoenix. Jordan really knows his stuff (he is who I met with). He had a look at the website and asked the questions I haven’t gotten elsewhere. Feels like I have a good grasp of what he does and how he approaches these projects. It’s totally worth the time I spent with him getting a better idea of what to do with my digital marketing and online strategy and how all the different stuff fits together.
Burton Johnson
Burton Johnson
This team is awesome! Have delivered on multiple projects over the years.
Matt Cernik
Matt Cernik
I've worked on several projects with SDARR Studios over the last 8 years and have had nothing but excellent results. Their attention to detail is fantastic, their customer service and communication is unmatched, and most importantly they have always delivered what they said they can deliver: long-term business growth. If you're on the fence about working with Jordan and the rest of team at SDARR Studios, stop wasting your time and just do it!
Patrick Hotchkiss
Patrick Hotchkiss
SDARR helped my SEO efforts for my Scottsdale based company. Thanks guys!
Rachel DuPaul
Rachel DuPaul
Jordan and his team are incredibly timely, communicative, and helpful in their goal of increasing your business' online visibility. I have greatly enjoyed working with them for the past year!
Debra Ferguson
Debra Ferguson
I worked with at least half a dozen SEO companies in Scottsdale before I was introduced to Jordan about 5 years ago. Anyone in the industry knows there are lots of shady characters on the SEO side of marketing. I was SO RELIEVED when I began working with SDARR. They earned my trust, loyalty, and referrals immediately. The quality of service they provide is unparalleled. The company is comprised of people that are not only great to work with but passionate about what they do. Jordan has always gone above and beyond for me and I'm grateful 🙏🏻. Highly recommend!


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